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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I scouted farmer...

    a lot of spy guilds bud attack:
    circle of elementals
    2x lvl2
    1x lvl3

    6x titans lair lvl2
    6x def fortress lvl1

    I had full def pots too!!!
  2. Re: I scouted farmer...

    He probably has better bfa and bfe.

    Bfe= Bonus from Equip
    Bfa= Bonus from allies
  3. ???

    farmer +700,000
    me +3,559,170 !!!!

    BFA 300 to 2600 LOL

    I am better in all position!!!
  4. Re:Banners

    Anyone got a clue what I'm supposed to do with banner material as it's not in Mage or anywhere in market?
  5. Need to actually get the new banner(s) first. They are dropping from Revenge of the Warbeast and The Reckoning currently.
  6. I haven't been on forums for a while, but is the zaft/og/Wdgaf/APOC/warlor osw still going on?
  7. Yes, this war is still going on.
  8. Hey can someone tell me WHERE the Mage is? My castle is upgraded level 2 and I can't find it
  9. You need castle level 3 to see the mage.
  10. You get the alchemist though
  11. Oh ok. I was told level 2. Thanks Neptune
  12. You're welcome.
  13. Can some please tell me my post count?
  14. 181 Posts
  15. Ugggh... ll completed, first time since reset, and never had a guild/ t3
  16. ^ I had my ll completed in 2 EBs, your point?
  17. I dont spend money.
  18. My clan ran b2b hte for me to grow this alt
  19. Well isn't your clan nice :lol: