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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. At what price do you start making 1M a hire and how much does your price go up per hire?
  2. I believe its a 1b when you start making a million a hire as for the other question it depends on how much you you cost.
  3. @bbq I was thinking it was 700-750m
  4. I believe its 1b, or around that range.
  5. How do I spice up kaw? I got to these stats in like 2 1/2 weeks and I always get really bored at high stats like this and end up resetting. I use to be on all day, now I don't bother to check kaw for a week.
  6. Try doing some osw. Or maybe mercing around. A good group of friends from either is a great motivator to play
  7. Grow into the HF, help others and teach them how to grow like that in 2 1/2 weeks, and just play whatever way you like, that seems to help people.
  8. I tried farming, but people never hit back so it got boring.
  9. For future reference.

    You can fail a horn item use at the beginning of hte if no seal has been use.

    Happy kawing
  10. Why would you use a horn on hte?!
  11. Just testing it to see if it would denied it but guess not!
  12. I now deny it :p
  13. What is the best build for 1 hour wars?
  14. Or the best ocerall war build that youve seen
  15. And recommended eq that i hunt for
  16. With your stats i would do some later Jorathe ebs. The problem is however there are attack only bars in the eb in places