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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Sorry, it ends with an [/url] and not
  2. How do i know the players url?
  3. You have to go to kaw on safari on your iPhone. Click on their profile and copy the URL.
  4. [.url=http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile
  5. If on iDevice, just hold down their name in forums and hit copy
  6. You will have to use a link shortened though, as there are ampersands.
  7. I'll brb lemme try it on the bb codes thread in a sec
  8. Quick ❓ regarding SH and their plunder on HTE,
    If said SH has 30 lvl1 SOS and 5 lvl3 COE will it make more on HTE then one with 5 Titans lair?
    And what about 34SOS lv1 and 1 of each of those buildings for troops. Anyone?
  9. The 34 lvl 1sos would make most and the other ones should be same, maybe a slight raise with the coe
  10. The titans lair will make the most plunder out of troops buildings, due to the 5% increased plunder on defensive troop buildings.

    An intelligent question however would be to compare the plunder plus endbonus plunder (the main income of a spy build comes from skim assassinations) of 4 CoEs or TLs compared to 4 SoS lvl1... Instinctively, I'd go for the SoS, but that's just a personal preference.
  11. How much do I need in allies to reach rank 10,000 on ally lb
  12. Who has the highest attack in KaW?
    (Anyone with 15 mil + attack?)
  13. Biggest I've seen is RedStar, might be a bigger one. He's 14mil attk.
  14. Can someone post on my wall what FOD drop
  15. the highest you can go is 16,405,940.

    T6,HF 298,100x25= 7,452,500
    T5,HL 256,320x25= 6,408,000
    T4,LL 103,560x24= 2,485,440
    Cstle Lv3= 60,000
  16. Not a lot LordArabar, you're looking around the 250-300b range.
  17. Supertoejam is the biggest attack build I've seen.
  18. Ok I haven't gotten hired in about 2 months. And I got hired about 5 times just today. Why did my hiring suddenly just pick up? I know this is a question that doesn't really have an answer, but I was just wondering.
  19. Your owner set you at a high price and you probably upgraded a bit and he wanted to set you higher or someone thought u were cheap and hired and volley a bit with his friend
  20. i hit tvp after war and dont pay me mithrils ,im so mad about that,please devs hope u solved this prob...