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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Yea, when I asked the question it hadn't gone crazy yet, what are you ranked now? I joined in Octoer 2010 so it must only be taking really old players.
  2. I'm 397 now - so about the time I was overly towered for the ASW.
  3. Cool, now that I think of it I didn't even get ranked until after 2nd ASW so kind of irrelevant.
  4. How does citing war things work.... like say someone says "(player name) 9/6/7" how does that get interpreted... .-.
  5. ("Player name") attacks won/number of attempts/defensive pots used
  6. Just a note so I can find it -

    Keyword - LeprechaunalUnicorn (for search feature) ;)

    Allies LB Formula

    y = 111028x^-0.97
  7. Are you able to quote what other people said on IOS?
  8. Yes, but not with the simplicity of PC.
  9. Ok thanks for the help Sholron 
  10. Only 'cause I'm bored:p
  11. Anyone know how much SDT does a archery base lvl3 give ??
  12. Which EB's drop aqua and inferno? :)
  13. Do T3 buildings still start at $130M?
  14. @Zart: it took me a minute to understand your question. But that's because I'm not familiar with HF lands.

    You need someone with HF to answer that, or get wolf to update his thread.
  15. @DaTomot: Mage things like that fall from anything above haunts, as far as I know.
  16. @Empire: if one does, they all do. Wolfs thread pics aren't showing up, so I can't say for certain
  17. @a8, yeah that's why I was asking. I can't remember. I'm pretty sure though.
  18. They all start at 130, then 350,, then 850. 1.3 bill total.
  19. ^

    I would have tore down a building to test it, but I wasn't sure it was worth the gold. Sorry 
  20. Aqua and inferno is dropped from all ebs FoD and up including HtE.