Re: PostQuestionsHere Email devs at Let them know what happened they will fix it.
Re: PostQuestionsHere The red is much easier to see but they seemed to have changed them on the new phones to that white color. Hang on let me see yeah stupid iOS 5 changed them.
Re: Reset? What do you get when you reset? Where can I find the information? I saw it in fourms once but can't find it now.
Re: PostQuestionsHere The first 4 resets you get a perm item similar to propacks that gives you a bonus percentage to your attack and defense and spy attack n d. You also get 50 additional ally slots for each reset. There is no maximum amount of additional ally slots. So you can reset 1000 times and still get more.
Re: PostQuestionsHere In addition to what A1 has said, the reset bonuses are : 1) 3% attack/def 2) 3% Sattack/Sdef 3) 5% attk/sattk 4) 5% def/sdef You need a minimum of 25 lands to get the bonus upon reset, and 50 lands explored constitutes as 2 reset bonuses. You keep all nobility, crystals, achievements, wall posts/friends and speakers. The rest is all lost. Mithril spells active at the time of reset carry through.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I've contacted the devs at about changing my account name back to KingOfKrunk but every time i send an email to them its a mail delivery fail "recipiamt refused to accept email" could anyone help?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Emailing the developers won't change your name. If you change your name to account you aren't switching account either. If you want to change your name get 20 nobility points, and head to the oracle.