Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Couple terms.[color]
    Wc: war commander: person who tells everyone what to do. Also points out targets. Always do as ur wc commands.

    Tracker: basically tracks the opposing teams ko times and reports in cc when someone will come out of their ko.

    Dtw: defender to weak: means ur to strong for this opponent.

    Dts: defender to strong: means ur too weak for this opponent.[color]

    Basicly follow the wc. If he tells u a strategy for the beginning then follow it. If not then find a target. When tracker says someone is about to come up then spam assassins on them to ko them. Xtal when told do to so and never lone xtal.

    Those are the basics. Sorry for any bb code failures.
  2. End with [/color]

    The forward slash always goes in front of the type of code you're using in the ending bracket.
  3. Lol thanks jac, i forgot there while i was making that post
  4. Like so (minus the spaces i use):

    [ color=red ] bdhdjeuxnduejdn [ /color ]
  5. I am on android and I would like to know how to PST a forum thread. I cannot figure it out for the life of me. Please help.
  6. Is it the news threads? You need to go in to a diffrent section of forums (wars or off topic for example) to do so
  7. Post* .....I go to active topics and troll them but nowhere do I see where I can make a thread
  8. You have to go to forums and actualy pick a catagory you want to make a thread on. Then it's in the same place as normal commenting is
  9. Oh OK I see now. I always go to active topics. Now where I see new post
  10. I have a question regarding moth rewards:

    Say I make it to the reward that gives level 1 Rime Moth and level 1 Icetail. With these items, are you able to enchant them at the fickle Mage? Or are they stuck at level 1?

    Sorry if this has been asked and/or answered previously but I have no recollection of it.
  11. You can enchant them
  12. So there is no point in aiming higher than the last set of level ones? I would rather waste time getting aqua/inferno than money on nobs/xtals to get the level 10 reward.

    Thanks for responding so quickly. :)
  13. The reset rate might annoy you. It's your choice of course, do what you wish.
  14. I recommend achieving the highest level you can, but I'm not going to be mad at you if you only go for lv1. You can help me if you stay at lv1! 
  15. Were do I check how many moths I have
  16. Bottom of your profile or other in the marketplace for PC
  17. Dmb, yeah I'm going for 8000 or 17000, anything else doesn't help much
  18. Why are we humans not kawumans
  20. Why can't i view war times in-game.on my kindle?