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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. By the way, you will never need any combo smaller than Holy Wrath and Book of the Dead.
  2. what s the best option: finish my LL with forges and then convert later on, or convert to tier 3 before i reach HL? (also do i need more spies?)
  3. No don't convert just keep slapping down forges
  4. Yes you need more spies. Double your spies but also finish your LL with forges and convert later.
    Some may tell you that you should convert to t3 when your next land is over 1 bill but it's quite time consuming i found when i did it in my newbie days. I'd say just double your spies then finish LL with forges.
  5. Alright thanks a ton :)
  6. How much money in ally vollies would it take to volley around 1b to somebody?
  7. To make 1b in profit you can probably volley from 100m to 10b and make a little extra
  8. Alright thanks lol that's too much :lol:
  9. Citizen, I am 100% sure on that number
  10. Start low and go high you can volley around 20% of max volley price to someone else. So 100 m to 5 bil would do it
  11. I have an awesome OSW strategy.
  12. Can someone tell me the join date of this account please?
  13. Forum join date - Monday, April 25, 2011
  14. What should I do to progress forward in my spy life- as in what do I build
  15. Put Volaries on the HL and Ice Trees on HF.
  16. What are the stats on a level 3 HF ADT?
  17. 353,709 def stats
  18. Say you are bigger than a player and steal from them and make like 1m, if they have gold out will they still lose like 50m?