Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Signups would end at 8.
  2. Not 8... 6.
  3. How much stat gain will I get from converting a lvl 3 sub fac to a lvl 3 foundry.
  4. 81,960 atk and 54,240 def
  5. My Troops are not loading haven't allday. And I got a new cell phone & transfered acc. Snd troops are still not loading help plase.
  6. you need to have a troop building down to have troops you only have spy buildings down atm
  7. Email

    Support@athinkingape.com with your


    They will either fix it for you, or help you find a solution.
  8. Well, should looked at your buildings. You need a troop building.
  9. O M G I need a swift kick in the arse! I forgot I took down my forge & put up a guild on it smh...BIG THNX guys!!
  10. Just one more ? My other phone messed up and couldn't get my acc. Back on an old phone. I emaild support they said they can get it back. I have my new phone and I made a new acc. & saved with ata. I downloaded kaw on this phone and since I'm waiting I'm playing with new acc. On here but whenever support gets my other acc. Can they transfer it to this phone because I still have the new acc. On my other phone And then I can save to ata so it won't get lost again???
  11. I want sell my phone but Iam afrid from lost my acount .. can I enter from a new phone by same acount?

    "" Sorry my english is so bad""
  12. I want sell my phone but Iam afrid from lost my acount .. can I enter from a new phone by same acount?

    "" Sorry my english is so bad""
  13. Is Balto a noob? : P
  14. So now that guild hansels are nerfed are SOS hansel the next best plunder aside from being volary hansel? If so would putting lv 1 SOS on LL and HL to replace lv 4 guilds be better plunder?


  15. Yes, it would be better plunder, but not the best.
  16. I want sell my phone but Iam afrid from lost my acount .. can I enter from a new phone by same acount?

    "" Sorry my english is so bad""
  17. How tell my plz
  18. Now that Guild Hansels are nerfed my question is are Hansel Builds still a great build or Attack builds are now the best build there is?

