Re: PostQuestionsHere Even 1 affects your plunder. Every single one you put down will affect it. The best way is 1 by 1, as the added strength, damage and stats negates and in fact beats the slight plunder drop.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Rules were made to be broken No, there is no rule on how you should build. Any amount of SoS will affect your plunder. If you want my advice on converting, go 1 by 1.
Re: PostQuestionsHere It has 5% more bonus to ally plunder then the other buildings. Not a bonus of 5% (just to clarify).
Re: PostQuestionsHere All reset buttons have been disabled. If you would like it enabled feedback the developers on your account asking them to enable it with a reasoning.
Re: PostQuestionsHere If I'm at full spies and successfully steal someone until they are all gone, how many steals did I perform
Re: PostQuestionsHere It depends. The closer their stats are to yours, the more spies/troops you lose per action to achieve victory. You get less actions per regen when you lose more spies per action.