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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. UPC, very interesting...

    Wouldn't that second "type" of plunder cap be the equivalent to the eb plunder curve?
  2. @DN - no. The plunder curve is going the other direction, when you starting hitting ppl weaker than you.

    The curve is linear (so line not curve) starting from hitting someone with same or equivalent stats to you (meaning they can have differing stats but still be "equal" as far as plunder goes) all the way up to 3x your stats.

    It's when you start hitting someone smaller in size that the plunder curve effects take over. It's some polynomial or maybe logarithmic function. I'll figure that out soon.
  3. It's an old mechanic that's not longer in use, can't remember the specifics sorry I was a newb when it was removed but I'm positive it's gone.
  4. No it's still in effect. I've verified it (at least for T2 buildings and below). And btw, how many attacks can you get from a T2 and below building on PvP?

    We know it's 24 or 26 against Eb. But for PvP?
  5. I'm guessing you already know, but I believe it's 26. You use slightly more troops per hit.(Beastiary LV3) Now I'm curious to know if I'm wrong.
  6. Tier 1 and Tier 2 (at least up to level 2, as far as I've tested)...give you

    36 attacks per unload!!!

    Just like spy assassinates in EBs.

    I don't know what bigger buildings give yet. But I'm wondering if have a single beast level 2 (which actually gives 39 hits!) on lowlands with an otherwise HLBC build will still give that many hits.

    It's making me rethink my original supposition that you can make more on EBs than on PvP farms.

    More to come.
  7. Wow, really? How much troops do you lose per hit with a level 2 beastiary?
  8. I believe T4 lvl 2 only gives 27 hits. Someone did this a few years ago, but I don't really remember all of the results. :p
  9. Lvl 2 beast gives 1050 troops max and you lose 27 per hit
  10. LV3 gives 2100 with 81 minimal troop loss for ebs and 83 for pvp(if I remember correctly).
  11. I need some build advice, i was considering going gh but i am unsure. Any advice would be much appreciated :)
  12. Your build should be based on your style of play. Not whether one is more profitable etc than another. If you are unhappy with your current build, i would swap buildings 1 by 1 to something new or your whole build in one go and see if you like it
  13. I enjoyed it a good bit at first, and i still make a decent amount, but I'm questioning if i would have an overall better experience with a gh build (probably towered). I have seen the pros/cons before but i need motivation lol I'm scared to change xD
  14. I really wouldn't recommend a GHT unless you're doing wars of some sort. But even so, a normal GH is just as effective. Plus, it makes decent money(great compared to GHT). Also, a nice thing about GHs are that they're cheap and still make good plunder. So it's a fantastic build if you're undecided of your final build.
  15. Who are the leaders of UC and Apoc?
  16. They have councils; clans/alliances like that usually have many leaders, not just one.
  17. Okay let me rephrase that; Who would I contact to join? I want to pound some ZAFTies.
  18. What attack building should i have if I'm going gh?
  19. Circle of Elements