Alternatively to transferring, you can simply link the account to an idevice by connecting both to FB and linking your mobile device app to facebook through Settings > Account > Account management.
How much plunder is loss after uging troop build to lvl 3? How comparible is it to having just put a tower in hf instead ?
Depends on the EB (or person) you're hitting. On haunt, I lost 2 mil by putting up one tower in HF. Your mileage may vary. However, your total gold should go up when you upgrade an atk building. Plunder may go down but allies bonus goes up a lot more for your build.
Ty unicorn, but really my question is after uging a troop build to lvl 3 in hf we've heard your plunder will fall. I'm asking if the amount it falls by is similar to the loss by having placed a tower there instead. Or if it is more than a tower but less than a lvl 1or 2 troop build
Oh. A tower just takes away from plunder and allies bonus. Much better to put any other building there if you don't need the tower for wars. In most cases you will end up making more money (again P may go down but AB will go up, more than offsetting the drop in P). You will end up making more money per hit on most EBs (especially T5 and above EBs). If you put up a tree, since it doesn't contribute to P, you'll see a much larger drop in P that may or may not be made up for by the increase in AB. However this is offset somewhat by the increase in what you make on steals and other spy actions. Bottom line for your build, any of the three atk buildings will increase your total gold. Towers will drop it a lot.
So I was just getting rdy to cast for EE and a thought hit me, if i hit recast on a spell until all of my mith is gone, will I get it all back from the pot? I asked in CC and they said yes, but they havent done it in a while. I think getting 400 mith in a war would be pretty cool
Can someone post the war times for all the wars in North America (Don't want to reveal to much of my timezone those sneaky strippers)