It just takes time and patience. I've got all the eb stuff done with exception of plunder curve. Focusing on PvP now. Many of the factors are the same.
:shock: I don't know, maybe you should look at the reason he was selected for VK. :lol: Trust me, Unicorn knows his plunder mechs. Better than anyone I know.
what exactly is a "vk" and what does that have to do with no one having yet accomplished the creation of a plunder calculator without the assistance of the devs?
VK - Valiant Knight. It is an achievement devs give out by hand to few specific players that stand out. They gave UPC his achievement based on his informational posts, and the only thing I saw him post before was about plunder. I have seen his work and it's pretty damn convincing. I myself have used his numbers when I was playing around with it. Needless to say, it came out to be right.
I apologize since I am sure this questions has been asked before. I bought 2 speakers and used them and have been told I should regenerate some everyday, but am not.
PC users don't regerate speakers, devices regen 5 speakers every 24 hours. The max you can have from regen is 25.
Someone had mention that if i put my clan name on my banner it will increase my chances of gettin a equip it true?
Someone had mention that if i put my clan name on my banner it will increase my chances of gettin a equip it true?
While youre in game on mochi click "link account" up at the top. Then you will have to choose an accnt to keep- hope that helps