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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Why is it that for every loss you lose 3 points in your prestige but in every win you only gain one point? What's the logic behind that.. Shouldn't people be rewarded for wining more than losing?
  2. It's just how the system works... yes it's stupid. Yes, this has been asked and complained about many times... don't see it changing until Season 3
  3. I believe it's called elo ranking. If you have say 900 prestige going against a clan with say 1200 prestige, you probably won't lose prestige if you lose, but gain a lot if you win. Same thing if you're at 1200 prestige facing a clan with 900 prestige. You'll lose a lot but gain little if any prestige.
  4. To post a .gif you use the command, right?
  5. Nope, you use the IMG code. So [​IMG].
  6. The gif can't be more than 600x600 pixels.
  7. Where has the season 2 thread gone?
  8. Check the strategy section of forums
  9. Right here.
  10. I apologize it's not in strategy section
  11. Bump for the randoms asking things in AT
  12. for my alt, does a lvl 1 volary have more plunder than a lvl 4 guild?
  13. that really depends. an individual building doesn't determine your plunder. it is a combination of your total build and the difference in size between you and your target. (among other mystical things) so sometimes when you upgrade, your plunder will go down sometimes it will go up. this is because sometimes the decrease in the size difference lowers you plunder more than your better build raises it.

    so...ya know...like...maybe.
  14. On ebs, yes your plunder will increase. Your end payout will be more but your ally bonus might take a little dip.
  15. each individual building does determine your plunder, but your plunder might change depending on your target.
  16. that isn't quite true. it is your stats that makes the determination.

    a single coe would not give 1/25th the plunder that 25 coe's would give against the same target.

    its the relative size thing. as you get bigger, you have a larger relative size against that same target.

    it is quite possible that 1mil cs worth of guilds doesn't give the same as 1mil cs worth of volaries. but i don't have the data to confirm or deny it.
  17. This is actually exactly how it works. I wouldn't argue against what you said entirely though, because coe is a high tier/high stat building, it is more prone to the plunder curve.

    But lets say you're hitting evanescence and have 1 stable. Your first hit would be exactly 19,725(AB- 13,463 P- 6,262). Now you throw up another LV1 stable, your plunder would be 39,450(AB- 26,926 P- 12,524). As you keep adding on LV1 stables, your plunder will increase the same amount each time until you reach the plunder curve. I haven't played around with it too much, all I know is a lot of the lower tier ebs share the same gold p/hit but each has their own plunder curve. LV2 stables will give like AB- 29,618.5 P-13,775.5.

    I'm sure UnicornPoopCookie could educate you a lot more on the subject though.
  18. I am on samsung y and where can i find the search button and can i change my acc..i finally have android device so i wanna use my other acc
  19. @Wordwaster - your plunder and allies bonus is loosely correlated with your stats, meaning that generally as your stats go up, P and AB go up. But actually each building has an internal plunder factor associated with it.

    So for example a lvl 1 workshop or stable has factor f=1. For lvl 2 it's 2.2. For lvl3 it's 4.8. If you know what a lvl1 workshop makes on first hit of an eb, you can calculate exactly what any other building will make if you know these factors. A lvl1 guild is 0.5. Lvl 4 guild is 43.2.

    I have a calculator that tells me exactly what I should make for each eb with my build. Once the calculated results begin to differ, then I know I'm on the plunder curve and can determine an "efficiency" rating for that build against a particular eb. I'll release that calculator once I can also account for the plunder curve effects.
  20. good luck with that calculator. as far as i know, no one has been able to do it. maybe if you could convince the devs to release an algorithm or two you would have chance. but i doubt it i possible with only user data.