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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. @grundall

    Both are the same for plunder, and you can look what has better stats.
  2. I would like to have both of my accounts back our removed
  3. Does equip stats increase my plunder in ebs
  4. A long time ago i did quest #58 yet i havnt had new ones since.ive asked why but havnt gotten response.
  5. If you have tried pressing the show all quests/hide all quests button to no avail, email devs about it.
  6. Email them @ support@athinkingape.com

    Tell them your username, game you play (KaW), and as much as you can about your situation.
  7. Should I keep exploring my highland until highland complete and placing a lv 1 colony or upgrading my already bought colony to lv 2 then lv 3?
  8. Does upgrading HF buildings really lower plunder?
  9. The reason people say that is because if you hit haunt plunder will go down. The stats to troop ratio is too big on t6 because of such large stats that it lowers plunder a little bit.
  10. What gives better plunder, a lvl 4 guild or a lvl 1 Volary?
  11. Ok, Im really confused. I used a few speakers the other day, and I had 25 before I used them, but after that I had 20. Today, though, it's back up to 25, and I don't recall buying any. Is it supposed to do that, or is it a glitch, bug, or something like that?
  12. You get 5 free speakers a day, when on a device...not pc accounts though
  13. Ok, thanks. I was freakin out cause I thought I had done something against the rules. Thanks for clearing it up for me!
  14. What are spells and how do I obtain them?
  15. When you upgrade your castle to level 2, you will gain access to the "alchemist". If/when you visit the alchemist, you will see there are different spells and equipment in which you can cast or purchase that boost stats, and change your chat color.

    You must pay mithiril to activate them, except for the "Wave Of Conflict. Thats a freeby.

    Take a look at this thread. It gives you a quick tour. There have been more spells added since that thread was made, but you get the idea.