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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I have a question. Does KaW on an idevice (eg. Ipad) going to have a landscape veiw aswell as portrait?
  2. Well, it currently doesn't (on iPad right now). I don't think they'll change it anytime soon either.
  4. I don't think you need a moderator, a wahmbulance is more like it.
  5. Why are there so many crying noobs on kaw?
  6. Hoarfrost Towers

    What defence stats do the hoarfrost spy towers
  7. T6 SDT At:

    Level 1 - 123,261.6 Static Spy Def
    Level 2 - 184,892.4 Static Spy Def
  8. Why has my clan done the destroyer three times with no drops?
  9. There are always drops. Someone who got the drop may have already gotten the drop before, there fore, that drop is null. You're probably in a clan with very high percentages of chests owned. Other than that, destroyer has a natural low drop rate.
  10. I reccomend not bothering with destroyer wait till your bigger to go for other equip in that slot
  11. Can I get my android profile on my iPod without an ata account
  12. I don't believe so but the number 1 rule for device transfers is tell support your situation and see what they can do for you :)
  13. Does linking a account to mocha qualify as a account transfer?
  14. Linking an account to whatever ID doesn't count as a transfer. A transfer would be moving your account from one device (idevice or Android) to another one. This can be done by using your linked account ID.
  15. Does the spell "Unholy aura" work on EB's?
  16. It doesn't do anything to EBs. It just makes people you attack lose more gold half the time.
  17. What's percent on ally drop return (top percent)
  18. wot is the limit of ads that is allowed to be sent out?