Lol. Too bad too. One of my accounts gots my great benefits from doing over 15 resets back in the day. Still living off those xtals and nobs bought me all perm items save one.
It's still a cool badge to flash around. I only sort of recommend it if you're pretty to the game or just created an alt for it. It's really quick to do, only take 5 days resetting once a day. Just join a clan doing the 3x haunts and hit pot phases with seal of deflection. Remember though, each land has to be opened(not grayed out) and have to have had a building on it during that play through. I recommend not leaving any open spaces on your map though, because the next play through you won't have the land trick on that land space.
My plunder goes down when I hire an ally. Can I find out how much first hit plunder my allies cost me? Is it by strength or cost? Last hire was @3m cs for 155b and fh plunder down 77k. Looked back at ss and see plunder was 250k higher when some allies sold. ?? Why oh why
My friend, you are riding the plunder curve. It's not your allies' cost. It's their strength. Which boosts your strength. Active allies are the worst! Always upgrading, making your plunder drop little by little. I routinely spank my allies. 1) for being lazy 2) for upgrading and costing me plunder. Turns out they love it. And I do too. It's a small price to pay when you have great allies.
Bump is a forum term and it is when you post a response to a thread, it "bumps" the thread to the top of the active topics board. "Bumping" is what people do when they want to put a thread on the active topics board.
rAll Stickied Threads Go there and look through the thread titles and click the ones you want to learn more on. This has the largest collection of threads so don't go overboard :lol:
You should first join a clan doing lower tier epic battle(pigs and squids). Once you're in there, ask for a volley and start purchasing lands and buildings. I also recommend you start out doing quests for cash and hire allies. Allies are an important part of the game, and they give you profit when they're bought off of you. So you can't really go wrong buying them.