Towers = massive stat increase but no plunder gain. 2 extra guilds = moolah. It's a combination of all 3 things, but mostly your towers are what is hurting you.
So towers drop that much? Guilds are worth 400k I think. So 1.2m each, 2.4m loss there. Volary shouldn't be much of a weight, so the towers are about 6-7m loss on regular haunting?
It could be because the towers are volaries add to your cs a lot, hitting the plunder curve. I'm no expert on that though, you know contact UnicornPoopCookie. He knows a lot about that stuff.
I've been told guilds yield more plunder than SoS. How much more plunder can you get from a lv4 guild than a lv3 SoS? Thinking of tearing down a lv3 SoS & replacing it with a guild lv4 if it's worth it. Exact figures would help thanks
Guilds r for plunder and SOS is for stats. SOS will not give u good plunder unless u have a lot of them. Meaning a 48 SOS hansel will get more per hit than 48 gh
please help how do i delink this account from a android phone as iv just sold how would i go about it plz help me