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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Not everything, but most. ;)
  2. The answer to Everything is 42.

    True Story.
  3. Balanced vs Mixed

    That might help when deciding what build to take. It all depends on your play style like if you war or if you're an eb type of person 
  4. Wrong, based on my experience, it drops roughly once every 100 successful quests.
  5. Really, how come I remember being at 92 nobility earlier, but now I am at 93? They haven't been removed.
  6. Clan prestige, how does a clan earn typeset points?
  7. When you win a war, you get 1 prestige. When you lose a war, you lose 3 prestige.
  8. Not exactly... usually when you win you get 1 when you lose you lose 3. That's how EE has been working
  9. Altitude

    You can lose more than 1 prestige and gain more than 2. Depends on match... Close than you lose less than far off from winning. Vice Versa for Winning
  10. Dillys not here guys... :/

    I miss him... :(
  11. How do you overlap emoji icons?
  12. What ever happened to cos? None of there old clans exist anymore
  13. When does the x3 haunt end again?
  14. is it possible to link a mochi account to a i device
  15. There is a special app called Komaji that let's you overlap emoji.

    If you mean CoS, Dillybar's old clan, they just died off as everyone went inactive.
  16. I don't think it's common knowledge of when the 3x haunts will end yet, but they are limited time.
  17. Sparta, you can link a mochi account through the top bar on PC that hold forums and other buttons. One of those other buttons says link account. Follow those instructions to link.
  18. My alt has these buildings -
    1 level 3 War Aviary
    37 level 4 Guilds

    I have -
    1 level 3 War Aviary
    35 level 4 Guilds
    1 level 2 Volary
    2 level 3 Temple of Reckoning
    1 level 1 Red War Citadel
    5 level 1 Descry Fasthold.

    My alt makes 70m first hit on Haunting: The Escape, and 69m last. I make roughly 49.9 first and 48.9 last. Why is there a 20m difference? Or rather, a 6.8 (roughly) on a regular Haunting? Is it the towers (I wouldn't think so?), the Volary (one Volary can do this?) or the 2 Guilds difference (hmmm seems legit)?