Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Oh wait. How. DERP. Unicode app
  2. Is that the real MissMelon?
  3. Was there no All Star War this year?

    Also, how did Wulf and Belle lose their Mod?
  4. Welcome back panic :) All star war is going to take place after EE Season 2 and both Wulf/belle retired from Modship
  5. Wait, Wulf lost his mod status?

    And to answer your question:

    Belle hasn't been a mod in forever.
  6. They both resigned at the same time :|
  7. Shraq.

    Yes that's the really Melon

  8. [​IMG]
  9. @I love jaw

    Actually Wulf still had mod for quite awhile, Wulf just hasn't been as active, but he still had modship, and he'd edit his guide threads when something concerns it.
  10. Wulf and belle both made threads about resigning around the same time. They were both in a big osw at the time. Yes, Wulf still updates his guide when needed but that has nothing to do with Modship...
  11. He needs to update that linking thread. :p

    I believe Wulf, bellemorte, and moose gave their badges back at around the same time, but moose later accepted the role as a forum mod.
  12. How long is Haunting: The Escape going to last?
  13. As long as you want it to, Babe.

  14. 1. I'm a guy, so you're gay
    2. If your not going to be helpful, don't post here
  15. At metal. Unknown time. Devs have not released it.
  16. I am gay, thanks.

    If I wasn't happy, I'd be Emo.
  17. That actually explains a lot...
  18. ^
    That was supposed to be a joke

    Gay means Happy.
    He said I was Gay, which I am.

    I'll be leaving this thread, bye.

    I'd rather it not turn into some flame war.
  19. Oh, i feel dumb. Ok, resume the questions. :lol:
  20. Hey guys im just wondering wat a lvl 1, 2 nd 3 volary gives to cs before i invest in one. I couldnt find itnon here