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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. 600x600 is the limit the forums allowed, last time I checked. I may be wrong.

    It all depends on your viewer.

    320x480 is iPod size.

    iPad size is a bit bigger I think.

    PC also varies.

    300x300 is easy to see for every single device, but may be a bit small if you're trying to fill the whole screen with a dancing banana GIF.
  2. Which epic battle would help me grow the fastest? Am I strong enough to try some T4 epics, or what?
  3. I will change my android phone soon to other android phone. How i want get same account that i using now to my new phone? I will sell phone I using now and clear everything inside.
  4. @Kendall:
    I would recommend you to look for a clan doing up to T4, especially Ambush. You might need some pots for hitting Origins, certainly for NML, but it is worth doing them too. Ambush will be fine.
    One thing: you need to invest a bit more into allies, I'd get around 5-6b in allies before building any further.

    The easiest way to do this is to link your actual android account to an ATA account (all you need is an email address). Once you got your new phone, just link that ATA ID to that phone...
  5. RESET. QUESTION.... i have reset in about 15lands and it didn't give me the achievement I have see on some of the players .. WHY? /
  6. You need to have 25 lands first. Then you reset.
  8. Last time, resets allow you earn exclusive items and also resets quests, allowing you to get crystals :). Sadly, the devs changed that and the only benefits you get from resetting is starting anew or get the reset achievement.
  9. I also believe that the achievement only unlocks once you have EVERY land explored and then reset... So it definitely isn't worth it
  10. Where's the EB change over or is it staying the same
  13. hi, if i have 49 spy buildings, what is the max no. of troops i can build to maintain hansel mechanics?
  14. 16 because 49 16= 65.

    16/65 is less than 25% so you would still be a hansel build :D
  15. Anyone know how to link ppl into a post?
    Ex. I want to link :

    Only click on their name and then we can look on there profile

    Anyone cam answer?
  16. I actually don't remember how to make it look like the persons name but hyperlinked but it will work, maybe put the players name next to it so you know which player is which.
  17. Ah! Bb code fail while teaching bb code  but ya, you got the point