Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How does one put GIFs on forums? Just like pics? Are there any places to get GIFs like Photobucket for pictures?
  2. Post gifs to photobucket just like pictures and post the link like normal.
  3. What happened to my 4 lines of chat? now i can only do 2.5 lines!! you dont know how much this disappoints someone who talks a lot :*(
  4. Chat line where?^
  5. @Avatar he means the space you can type maximum in WC, CC, and AC.
  6. In clan it stops me at 2.5 lines it wont let me finish all 4 lines im use to having.
  7. Some characters take up more space than others. The chat isn't a line restriction but a character restriction which hasn't been changed
  8. It has been changed! in normal text letters i use to beable to type out 4 lines in cc and now it stops me at 2.5 lines.
  9. I think there's a difference between using different keyboards. I only get 2.5 with full keyboard but 4 with phone pad
  10. I'd check if it's still at 4 but unfortunately the latest update hasn't fixed my phone's gobbledee gook so don't want to :-(
  11. well gala im using the same phone/keyboard i have been for the last year! so i know its changed. And before it didnt stop you from typing it just would only post a certain amount. Now it stops me 1.5 lines short of what use to show up.
  12. You're right ff it's been changed... Looks like it's restricted to 100 characters each post
  13. Ok cool so I am pretty sure I can do it on my own now. Thanks everyone
  14. If link more than one PC to my iDevice account, will it count towards my Device Count?