You are right, B did make the thread. Found a link to it on another thread that takes me to a "You are not authorised to read this forum" page :shock:
Sorry but place a hot hot sun above the Frostlands and let them all melt away. I refuse to buy more lv 2 lands... much much very very too expensive...
Can someone hire an ally or two of mine ? All reach 20-30B I only have 3, Please help if you can I really need to get bigger priced allies. All active and good stats , all the genocidal allies are my alts, don't worry about banner either I don't reset any of them . I have one non-genocidal ally that I bought because of his astounding stats. Hope you can help me out
I'm pretty sure there is a ally sale thread. If you want to use forums for that. Anywhere else and you're most likely gonna receive no help
So y did last fod not have dbl drops at end? .....bad enough did 4 fods, doing items twice n only drop was 57 bars.
Just for clarification, when you have the equipment it drops bars instead, that's why it isn't doubled
Say you have a 10% chance of getting drop in double you have a 20% chance there is still a 80% chance you won't get anything
If there is a 2x gold EB promo, like TBO right now, or FoD earlier...why do I get odd numbers sometimes for my plunder, allies bonus and/or total?
Only admins and owners can start one. If they aren't in cc, pm or wall them to let them know the clan needs an eb
Unicorn- my guess is that with each I upgrade, you get a decimal, but the only time this decimal is shown is when it is multiplied. I would try and take your non-doubled and see if it is exactly doubled.