Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. They do post whenever they have a 2x eb.
  2. If an extension is made to a bonus then it will be updated in the thread containing that information. No new posts get created.
  3. Is there a way to find out the URL address of a profile page/ forum page on a phone?
  4. Yes, tap and hold down the topic/profile name, and it'll come up.
  5. If My brother has a android device linked to his Facebook for his kaw account and I have a iOS device linked to my fb for my kaw account and we both live in the same house will I get banned/reset by dev's if I access my account on a pic via Facebook then? Since rules state only one pic account but hmm it's not really pc account just being used on a pic.. So I don't know, any help will be appreciated
  6. If you're two different users, and you both have different pc accounts, you should be good. You might have to explain that to them though.
  7. It's one PC only account. You should be fine, as it's linked anyway. If both you and your brother had a pc only acct that might get iffy though.
  8. Theoretically, as long as all but one account is linked, you could have an infinite number of accounts up on the same PC. All Valid.
  9. Sholron sighted!

    *Prepares pokeball*
  10. Luxury Ball please :D

    And where have you been? I've been posting fairly regularly for a few weeks now :lol:
  11. I lost my idevice...

  12. Ouch. That sucks.
  13. Haha its more like "Dragonite's been spotted!"
  14. *Throws Luxury Ball at Sholron*

  15. NOOOOOO!!!!

    *Please don't press B, please don't press B"
  16. How much do u get a seal on haunting?
  17. Hit once with a pot, and find out at the end.
  18. How come all I see is boxes?

    Boxes,.....boxes everywhere.

  19. I tried figuring that out for all EBs once, but got bored quickly. Maybe I should restart that...
  20. Are you stuck in a box?