Nobody can say for sure, but since T5 still can't be built on Lowlands, I wouldn't expect T6 to be able to be built on Highlands anytime in the foreseeable future.
I am planning to convert from here. If I max all my guilds, will the saving for gold time be shorter? Or longer? That's inclusive of the upgrading of guilds.
Well the 100 nobility packs give you 50 speakers and 6 health crystals, the 50 dollar one gives you 50 health crystals and 100 speakers, and I have all the 2 dollar ones so I couldn't tell you about those. Just depends on what you can spend really.
Also depends what you buy it on. Heres what I did..I bought the chaos pack ($50) on iDevice. This gave me the plus 10% bonus to all stats, 500 nobs, and 100 speakers. Then, I went to my Android (which I have slayerbob linked to) and used the nobs to buy all the unpurchased packs. I still had a couple hundred nobs which gave me a nice lump of gold along with - 20 crystals, 100 plus speakers, another 15% bonus to all stats. For $50, thats a rocking deal. **NOTE** Buying chaos from iDevice, and the rest of the packs with nobs can be done from Android OR PC.
Why wouldn't it be? It's your money, Nobility, and xtals. If the devs didn't want you doing that, they wouldn't have made it possible.
I'm putting up CoE and towers. Should I upgrade my level 3 guilds to level 4? Would it be faster? Or slower? That's including the time taken to upgrade my guilds.
If you're going to convert to COEs don't waste the time to upgrade guilds. But I don't think that is a good idea at your size to convert to COEs and towers...
OSW= Off System War This is when you and your clan war another clan off the system set up by the devs.