Has any one ever considered a random surprise Equip drop on non-drop epic battles? Could be fun, we would sit in wide eyed anticipation After each eb.
Equip is acquired through random drops on specific EBs, bought with Mith won through wars, and sometimes acquired through war tourneys sponsored by the devs
@ Rice - no, as unholy aura only effect is to increase the amount your opponent loses when attacked or stolen from. It has no gold value for whomever has if cast, so it currently has no benefit against an EB
@ Cob - actually, when reset bonus equipment was originally killed off from resets, people were complaining about how unfair that was, so brought up the idea of them being random drops. Since then I don't recall the idea surfacing anywhere in forums.
Good question, the answer: it depends. If you replace a guild lvl4 by a SoS lvl3, you tend to experience a drop in plunder, depending on your actual build. A hlbc Sos hansel earns more gold on an eb than a hlbc guild hansel. Ally bonus plunder is pretty similar, but the end bonus (especially if skimming) is higher for a SoS hansel.