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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I'm pretty sure on spies, but not going to say absolutely sure right now :lol:

    Btw, literally the post before you I admitted I was wrong... I even tested it with my alt.
  2. You don't think that if someone had out 1 trillion gold you would steal more than when they had out 10 billion?
  3. You would cause them to lose more gold, but your spies can only bring back so much gold. :p

    The pay is the same no matter the amount the opponent is carrying.

  4. Dammit. I really lost all memory of mechanics after being gone four months :oops:
  5. Better study up then, there'll be a test. ;)
  6. A cookie for Sholron and HoG!


    Yes, he put his money in allies. When the amount I made did not change was because he hired a 0/0/0/0 ally.

    And, @ I_Love_Kaw - I don't see any reason why it would change. The game mechanics are the game mechanics. Remember, underlying all this is just a simple computational alorithm. It does not care beyond what the programmers have established as parameters.

    Notice that the maximum he lost in the beginning was 0.04%....but that increased as he had LESS money out. However my numbers didn't change except for I was hitting a subtly bigger target after his BFA went up.
  7. I didn't mean mechanics changed I meant I forgot all about them..
  8. Of course the mechanics didn't magically change when I left ;)
  9. Anybody know where to find battle stats on PC accounts?
  10. I don't believe you can find specific battle stats (assassinations, steals, scouts) on PC. Just your overall win/loss.
  11. I was hoping that wouldn't be the case but I can't find them anywhere. Guess so.
  12. You can't see the specifics. :( You can only see the offensive plus defensive battles won and offensive plus defensive battles lost.
  13. Wow, I'm slow. :lol: Rage has it. 
  14. Does anyone know what the many, many name colours in wc mean?

    Sorry, noob here. 
  15. If I want to start working on bfa,should I buy at prices under 100bil or save up and buy over?
  16. You can buy at whatever price range you want, just look for good stats for the particular range.
  17. IMO, it's better to start building Bfa with cheaper allies for a few reasons:
    1- If you're still learning the market, a bad hire won't decimate you
    2- Easier to sell a crappy 10b ally than say a crappy 50b one
    3- Lower ranges tend to have more buyers - better chance of selling = quick profits you can reinvest into allies
  18. And @ Emily, other than orange, red, and green, they're all Mith spells. Orange = forum mod, green = game mod, red = dev acct

    Mith spells serve little purpose other than to stand out against the crowd
  19. Can you only put t6 building on hoarfrost lands?