Re: PostQuestionsHere Yea then got stripfarmed I blame it on slayerbob not pming me when he was bought lol.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Guilds give better plunder then sos that just how it goes. SOS is just the strength one.
Re: PostQuestionsHere You can't. Only moderators can, however if you were the one who made the forum thread, you can request for a lock by simply stating it.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Probably been asked before but how come IG had 107 members when I looked earlier today....I thought the limit was 100??
Re: PostQuestionsHere Both them and foxes helped devs test the war system (beta testers I think) so they rewarded them with an extra 20 slots
Re: PostQuestionsHere @rambo, sometimes my KaW messes up to where I can't click anything, messages, eb, nothing at all. When that happens I completely close my app. If you're on an iDevice, close the app, double tap the home button, hold down on an app that pops up, and close. If that doesn't work, restart your phone completely, and if that doesn't work, delete KaW and reinstall it. You won't lose your data if you delete it.
Re: PostQuestionsHere By completing the epic battles Reckoning, Origins, No Mans Land, Destroyer, No Quarter, City of the Dead, Figure of Death or Talons of Carnage, and getting lucky in a random drop.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Certain eb's drop them randomly You can look at wulfs eb thread it'll say which ones but I believe all the eb's that drop them are Reckoning, NML, destroyer,no quarter,figure of death, and talons of carnage
Re: PostQuestionsHere Equipment gives you extra stats These stats are not visible, but still effect when you attack/defend