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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Thank you. I have the AB and was thinking of trying for the Diamondiferous. I knew/know about not getting a 2ndry drop of same weapon, I think for stats Diamondiferous wins over AB at the lower stat ranges. Ty again for the replys.
  2. For a hansel like you, for sure. The Stingpoint would be even better, but not an easy drop as a gh.

    For spy skimming, the AB would however be better than the feather...
  3. Diamondiferous is better when it is fully enchanted. Also, it's a static bonus not a % like the Abyssal Blade.
  4. That's one if not my main reason for hitting FoD again AB is a good sword if you have big stats atm static beats % for me atm.
  5. Again Ty for the replys/feedback ;)
  6. 1) If I build a tower on T6 as a GH, how much do I lose in plunder, or does it stay the same?

    2) As a GH, if I build a T6 spy building, what happens to my plunder?
  7. Bump. Please answer in order.
  8. I don't know about 1
    2) a clan member of mine said his ally bonus went down. I think it makes your ally bonus go down but end if eb bonus go up
  9. You won't lose plunder by building towers, you just lose potential plunder.
  10. You may a little, but probably not enough to notice
  11. Ok so far I'm confused by this game lol. Can anyone help?
  12. Well, what do you need help with? There is a lot of confusing stuff ;)
  13. Lol uhh well how do I know which clan to join? There's like millions as far as I can see from World Chat...
  14. Looks like you need a mentor... I Love KaW? He is now in your possession.
  15. Join a clan that is doing To The Chamber, it is 2x gold until 7pm GMT tomorrow.
  16. Yeah, that's a tough one. I can help you out with that.

    First, you should read the Beginner's Guide by B in the Strategy Section and also look through Slayerbob's Modern KaW handbook also in Strategy. They'll help a little. Sorry I can't give links, iDevice is a pain in the arse ;)
  17. How do you post a link to a players profile in forums? I didnt see anything in code guides
  18. I Love KaW is a good player.
    Here's a list of some good forumers that I can think of ATM.
    I Love KaW.
    Anyone from FanFiction.
    Just to name a few.

    Also, be wary of the player named "Val". Don't **** with him. If you can make him listen to you, he will give you some pro advice.