Is it possible to get my old account on this new phone, the old phone is destroyed and I can't do the usual transfer, please help!! I never had facebook account or that other thing either..
Email and tell them what you wish to accomplish. Be sure to include: Current Username Game Played (KaW) Problem (Account transfer) Good luck
I play on kindle fire tablet I have 15 highlands but can't find a place to open the new hoarfrost lands
Kindle's have been having issues with the new lands, best thing to do is make sure the app is update in the store, and if it is email and see what they would have you do.
Question: Should I name change back to CoS-Delta and unleash my long planed threads? Or keep this name and keep my vow of posting few threads? What to do? Or should I change my name completely :|
@ Phil Check your App Store for updates. If KAW has one, download it and try again. If not, email Also... If you are an owner of a jail broken iPhone, the app has serious lag/crash issues when it comes to JB phones. I got rid of mine, and it works faster and smoother now. No more crashes either.
@AustinPowers Do whatever. Changing your name doesn't effect the length of your forum posts. It just costs you nobs. Evil nobs.