Battle list lists anyone in your hitting range, wether they are on the higher edge of your range or the lower edge, it doesn't matter.
I was wondering if the devs have officially said anything about new buildings/lands? I ask because of Moose's xtal giveaway thread where he states that the devs have announced new buildings but not new lands. I searched the news forum to find nothing. Any help?
@Sonder, the Devs have not posted anything about new lands or new buildings as of yet, but there were photos of new buildings on the KaW Facebook page and there is a new achievement for exploring new lands calls the "Frost Realm". So you can assume that means new lands/new buildings.
@sonder - devs have so far only provided hints via their fb page and that hoarfrost achievement. Nothing has officially been announced.
@Sonder Too add on to what I Love KaW said, here is a picture of the new land achievement, it doesn't show anything but it gives the name. New buildings Teaser: