Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Shut up about Moose. Ur the crybaby Keith
  2. Battle list lists anyone in your hitting range, wether they are on the higher edge of your range or the lower edge, it doesn't matter.
  3. I have never seen somebody with less cs than me on my bl...and i do check often
  4. I was wondering if the devs have officially said anything about new buildings/lands? I ask because of Moose's xtal giveaway thread where he states that the devs have announced new buildings but not new lands. I searched the news forum to find nothing. Any help?
  5. if they're in the higher range, it will say large reward. Lower range means small reward
  6. Well there will be if you refresh it enough and look at every player.
  7. Alright thank you :)
  8. How many post do i have an whats my average posts per day?
  9. Go on PC and look it up.
  10. Why can't farmers have a limit of hits while farming?
  11. Anyone see my Q on the bottom of last page?
  12. Why doesn't kaw on Android have no sound?
  13. Because its a WAR GAME, not a "lets dress up as fairies and hit imaginary thing" game
  14. @Sonder, the Devs have not posted anything about new lands or new buildings as of yet, but there were photos of new buildings on the KaW Facebook page and there is a new achievement for exploring new lands calls the "Frost Realm". So you can assume that means new lands/new buildings.
  15. Not sure, did you disable it or is your sound all the way down? The sound gets repetitive anyways.
  16. @sonder - devs have so far only provided hints via their fb page and that hoarfrost achievement. Nothing has officially been announced.
  17. @Sonder
    Too add on to what I Love KaW said, here is a picture of the new land achievement, it doesn't show anything but it gives the name.


    New buildings Teaser:
  18. Why do people say they need a clan in WC when there are *literally* at least 100 ads a minute?