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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Ok I ran with a clan and it was fod 2x. Finished it and no drops. We worked hard for nothing. Can you figured out who earned theyre swords in this?
  2. The clan was -Insane Asylum- help devs
  3. Is there any guide on Mithril equipment and the upg cost of each eq?
  4. Yea,it's in the Equipment enchantment guide by I Love Kaw
  5. I'm not sure if you looked at that recently, but he deleted his post.

    Look for a thread with the same title as ILK's but it's made by Resilience under the strategy section.
  6. I bumped it for you.
  7. Does the mith spell help you win quests?
  8. I don't know for sure but i don't think so since i can't use pots for quests. Try it and find out :D only 1 mith to see ;)
  9. I don't think so because I had both spells on yesterday and couldn't beat the top quest.
  10. Well, I could beat it obviously but still got a few fails even at full troops.
  11. Where is the war 4 thread?
  12. Not posted yet.
  13. They normally post it waaayyy earlier than this

    I want my no match info :|
  14. Only your raw stats are put into play when doing quests.
  15. Nope.

    They do, it slipped my mind while posting. Cheers.
  16. say i was a pure spy and a farmer/osw'er would it be better for me to have all spy buildings and just bank money in pots, or throw up say a stable and have allies as well (for bfa of course) that way i would pin very easy and not have to worry too much about strips?
  17. Each side has its negatives - being a pure spy and banking means losing 25% of what you make...but going hansel essentially makes you an atm for your opponents whenever you're offline.

    I'd personally go pure spy - I make less, but my opponents make nothing.

    Just remember to keep a land open for a cheap atk building as a pure spy for when you're online - keep it pinned and it prevents assassinations (which are more effective at pinning spies than scouts are).
  18. okay thank you for advice :) is a big help.