Ok I ran with a clan and it was fod 2x. Finished it and no drops. We worked hard for nothing. Can you figured out who earned theyre swords in this?
I'm not sure if you looked at that recently, but he deleted his post. Look for a thread with the same title as ILK's but it's made by Resilience under the strategy section.
I don't know for sure but i don't think so since i can't use pots for quests. Try it and find out only 1 mith to see
say i was a pure spy and a farmer/osw'er would it be better for me to have all spy buildings and just bank money in pots, or throw up say a stable and have allies as well (for bfa of course) that way i would pin very easy and not have to worry too much about strips?
Each side has its negatives - being a pure spy and banking means losing 25% of what you make...but going hansel essentially makes you an atm for your opponents whenever you're offline. I'd personally go pure spy - I make less, but my opponents make nothing. Just remember to keep a land open for a cheap atk building as a pure spy for when you're online - keep it pinned and it prevents assassinations (which are more effective at pinning spies than scouts are).