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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. U mean block?
  2. No that little speaker shaped mute button in the bottom left corner that does absolutely nothing.
  3. How many successful assassinations do you need to have to pin someone?
  4. I believe it's 19 or 20. Somewhere around there.
  5. No Clan Owner??? Help!
    clan owner stepped out of clan without handing ownership over, she returned as soon as she realized that clan had no owner, but has returned as just a member, clan still has no owner at all, will we have to contact support??? why does it let this happen? shouldn't Kaw force u to pass on ownership or disband clan? clan recieved no notice to say our owner had left at all, weird. any help most welcome thanks guys
  6. Whats ATA email?
  7. Which EB will be next for double gold on Monday?
  8. Gotta wait and see ;)
  9. No one knows except the developers
  10. i thought that pure spies could not be attacked?
  11. why cant clans run more then 1 EB?
  12. Pure spies can be attacked as long as they have gold out and spies are above 20% (dtw)
  13. @T F H, they can be hit if they have gold out. You cannot be attacked if you are at 0 gold
  14. How many Lv 3 Changeling Watchtowers = a 2mcs static spy defense?
  15. 8 level 3 changling watchtowers= 2m ssd
  16. Whose the "walmart of kaw" person?
  17. Merc. Merc is the Walmart of kaw.