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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I cannot i mean cannot thank you guys enough, even though i am now a noob i have my 2011 account back yay!! :D
  2. About how much per item would i make on haunt??
  3. It depends on how much pots are used. The total pot plunder is 1/10 of the net plunder.

    So say you have a 100b haunt, the total pots would be worth 10b.

    If you got 100 items in and there was 1000 items used, you'd get 1b.
  4. Stupid question, do you keep all of the people on your friends list and all of your achievements when you reset?
  5. Yes sir.
  6. Is there a thread on strip mechs that someone could bump for me? I'd appreciate it
  7. Damn jake you fast. Yes, dantes in active topics.
  8. Can anyone explain to me which build is best for war and why?
  9. I personally prefer hansel for ee, for osw a pure spy with no allies. Hansel in ee earns a lot with attacks (max attack pots every hit) and
    Then you can win scouts easy due to spies, getting ko and a lot of plunder is easy.

    In an osw, a pure spy is best because you can bank and sleep nice and sound without a broken sleep schedule, striping is easy with high spy stats and no one can hit you and take anything other than troop.

    Are you THE dillybar? Or someone with his name?
  10. I'm wondering the same thing.
  11. It's not the real dilly.
  12. I know it's not the account, and it doesn't look like him, status doesn't look like him, but achivs do look like someone who knows how to grow an account fairly well, but the question is not somthing dilly would post. Conclusion: not dilly :(
  13. Why did you quote the whole thing to only reply with "I'm wondering" ?
  14. I get carried away on pc, but really for the bold text.
  15. Notice the bold mm

    Oh yea, missmelon, you still have that thread where you took SOS assassination plunder to balance out the attack plunder and you showed over all doing slow SOS conversion didn't drop over all plunder much. I think it was posted only a while after t4 came out, dunno if HL was even out. Kinda old, I'm not even sure if you posted it.
  16. I liked that thread. ~_~