You should be able to figure out that one yourself. Even if they are all amazing threads, 1 a day can get annoying to most players.
My guess would still be 3 or more wall posts. Not sure about the time aspect of the rule though. Also when it comes to spamming a player's wall, only the person whose wall got spammed can choose to request a silence or not by messaging the mods.
If you started eb sr todays promo double equip eb before it was realesed to public will we get double equip drops
@ thug if you started it before but are finishing it after it was released you should get the double drops.
If you own an ally, does his bfe/bfa affect the bonus he gives you? Or is it only his regular combined stats?
I'm guessing Top 500, but not totally sure. The top 10 all have over 200tril I believe but it drops drastically below them.
@Retired,add up top 50s allies starting from bottom up and see which one comes closest to 48t without going over.I dont think all allies would show.