I have a hcbc spy I open for attack in return they vt to one of my Attack accounts.. If my hitters dont pay they get stripped by my 7 hcbc hansels
I make 45-50b on a good day, being an eb noob though. I don't ally trade or transfer or nob or xtal. Plain old hit the eb.
@company - interesting method Personally I make between 60-80b per day. I volley all gold from alts to one account and then have it bought.
Oh yea and the attack makes about 8bil in vt a day I don't charge too much since hitters could just hit eb.. On my attack account he makes maybe 20bil hitting eb my osf is my main so
I can make between 5 and 200b a day depending on what I want to do, or how good a day it is. Volley transfer, ally trading, hitting, and occasional nobs for a larger volley transfer.
What: i slush about 5 grains a day, depending on the tide. How: i take my pick and shovel down to the river. You generally want to dig under big rocks to get to untested soil. Tips: low tide yields the greatest results.
I can make about 10b a day depending on how many others are hitting the hansel idiot I farm in the clan were oswing. Also depends on who were stripping to determine how much I make in steals. No EB completions, all old school KaW techniques. 2yr vet represent!
2b* sorry. But normally 1b simply because im going from guilds to SoS and its taking ages so I get bored.