Discussion in 'Wars' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. I seriously don't get this, I mean I'm fine with it, but why make a thread post? To gain people? To gain approval and fame? Like seriously why
  2. So are you extorting them for gold too?
  3. No I'm not chief

    @undead it's so thy don't completely noob rage an say it's unexpected...
  4. DF, I started talking Latin; it will slow the monkey down. I imagine he's now having a date with google.. 
  5. So you're going to war eb clans, until they give up? You're goin to be piss poor. Say goodbye to whatever pots you have. Not a very well thought out idea IMO
  6. I don't really care if I'm poor, I'm just trying to help KaW. And trying to destroy b2b ebs.
  7. How are you going to do that OP?

    Do you have a plan?
    Do you have a strategy?
    Do you understand the game?
    Do you understand the mechanics?

    Come back when you have those things squared away. Seriously. You might find you're currently arguing with the wrong people...
  8. Op, this might be a shock, but some of these eb clans actually fight back. (I know! :shock:)
  9. Isn't noob raging half the fun? Talk about a killjoy
  10. Sorry undead. 
    Feel free to keep feeding the animals
  11. Wait u r declaring war on kaw but u have a no farming rule?
  12. Giskard has withstanded the might of the evergrowing forum warriors :eek:.
  13. Pretty sure there isn't a no farming rule...
  14. So this is a wannabe Pure Evil?
  15. Oh yeah

    90% of KaW does EBs
    (Your screwed)
  16. Uh... Read the post.

    90% of KaW don't have the no farming rule, never war and think clan hopping is fine.
  17. Too bad you guys are so small you can't hit anyone doing EBs XD
  18. Uh okay sure, but seriously you need to grow before you can start Farming....
  19. Teaching them how to war....