PSA Max Plunder (FAST MONEY/KaW101!) for New Players

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by sumsette, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    Lame. False info!!!? Maybe he's just a little confused.
  2. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    Bump for my noobs
  3. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    Oh joy. Another request for my attention from the NAL trolls. I understand that the game is quite boring for you lately, however it's really not my preference to spank you in the forums as well. I suggest you move on to an easier target with which you intend to stroke your ego to ensure better success. In response:

    To answer your elementary critiques of my "major math fail", here is a detail for you without all the (perhaps confusing?) words:


    4,880,176 Plunder
    + 8,006,569 Allies Bonus
    12,886,745 - TOTAL GOLD WON

    Also note that if you are not as strong as I am you would earn more per successful win on the mentioned target. Each loss, however, results in a complete loss of the cost of pots. You could also change your build to focus on higher gold winnings and earn much more than I have won here.

    Now, it was mentioned that with the use of pots, this would actually result in zero gold won.

    This statement is also false. Again, without confusing words:

    12,886,745 Gold Won
    - 11,940,000 Cost of Pots
    946,745 - AKA nearly 1 million NET PROFIT

    Either way, even if a financial loss were actually incurred it is often worth the cost to win over those you enjoy hitting or are warring against.

    Now it appears, the only real "fail" is your sense of humor. No news there.

    Not sure where I stated the opposite of this. What I'm guessing that you're picking at was this comment:

    Now, the 8 words at the end of the sentence could be questionable if you were using a magnifying glass (which I did not believe the noobs would be using here). Let me explain what I was trying to convey. When you're a noob, you don't have a huge cash flow. Often times a billion seems like a lot of gold at that point in the game. So one option I recommend is to buy allies whenever you can, continuously reaching toward your max plunder. I prefer this for several reasons, some being that this moves you more quickly to the max plunder amount, earning more plunder each and every hit as you go, and also allows the opportunity of ally sales (AKA profit) for the longer period of time. I find that smaller allies turn over much more quickly than larger ones and at the same time offer you better stat bonus ratios, ensuring more wins. You could have asked for clarification if you were confused. =P

    Now, if you feel the need to use your time judging what I have written rather than simply adding helpful information, please quote it directly and someday I may take the time to respond again. Or better yet, make your own thread.

    Please note I never claimed to know it all... I'm offering help to NOOBS (aka not those who have played this as long or longer than me). It's been over six months since I did this myself and I generally don't like to dwell in the details of things, so something here may be off (oh noes). I was attempting to convey a simple message with some additional info for those with a tad bit more thirst for knowledge.

    And finally, to the trolls, there are things you've said that I do not feel is the best advice either, however I'll leave it to the reader to pick which advice they follow rather than trying to pick apart the help you've offered. Thanks for your participation in my thread. It was nearly amusing.

    I could even be so desperate and delete the things that I said which you questioned and act like you were "an idiot" for your subsequent comments, such as what you guys did last night... however, I am not in need of such a boost of confidence from the forums. lol. 

    Enjoy your summer.
  4. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

  5. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    I think most people just starting will be very grateful that you took the time to make this thread to help them.

    When I have some noobs looking for answers I will help them best I can and direct them to this thread.

    Well done sumsette. Would have been nice to have this info when I first started. Alas I had to wait till I got into a very helpful clan to learn all this.

    I don't think the issues you have had with other clans should be hurting this thread, as this was u trying to help others not start another war. So for those in other clans please just post somethings that will help rather then be a critic.

    Thanks for trying to help out the noobs sumsette. Wish this was a thread i could have read when I first started.
  6. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

  7. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    thanks for those who have offered genuine feedback and support. I made this to help some of the people who post to my wall. It was a big hard learned lesson for me and I very often run into new players who are not yet aware. I try explaining in a sentence or two on their wall, but it's kinda hard.

    I appreciate the feedback!
  8. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    Bump bc Sum did such a great job here responding to her critics
  9. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    bump for a member
  10. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

  11. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    Just to clarify a mis-statement made by Arsh... Your ally stat bonuses and the defender's ally stat bonuses have absolutely nothing to do with ally plunder calculation. Aside from being easily tested an verified, this was already stated as a fact by the devs here in the forums, weeks ago. Ally stat bonuses definitely determine whether you win or lose battles, if you've got stat bonuses over 1m they become relevant for sure, but they have exactly 0 impact on plunder.

    That was a fundamental change in the plunder system when we switched to this new world several weeks back. Ally stat bonuses WERE factored into the plunder calcs in the old system. Not so anymore.

    Again, before anyone thinks about disputing this fact, let me reiterate this was stated by the devs here in the forums, and tests have backed it up. Fact.
  12. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    TMH ... Doesn't make sense... Why do I make more off an LB player than a non-LB player w the same building stats? This is bc plunder is still determined by total relative strength and not just building stats.

    As I don't usually find myself in disagreement with you, please explain as I seem to be missing or misunderstanding something in your statement.
  13. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    thx nyn
  14. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    ...so THATS why u had to keep "testing" on me tmh. Never got to hear the results.
  15. Re: PSA Max Plunder (MONEY!) for Nooblets

    Luv this from it helped me Lern alot and grow more...Ty for makeing it
  16. Awesome! It was the biggest help for me too...

    Bump for my newest nooblet, Fizz. =)
  17. Ok, got a question re allies bonus and I've read most of the forums to try and find an answer (and it's probably a noob questions) but haven't found one yet but could of easily missed someone's post that explain it in which case I'm quite happy to read that but here goes.

    Currently I'm right at the border of max plunder, as in, when I upgrade buildings it pushes my max plunder up and I need to buy more allies but I added up all my allies and they total just under 4 b with my allies plunder, from hitting someone just under me in stats my plunder is 4.8m.

    Now this is where I may have gotten something wrong, but i searched for an ally for 4 b and the max plunder bonus was like 13 or 14m. If my allies plunder bonus adds up to 14m but my max plunder stays at around 4.8m (depending on who I hit) why do i need to keep buying more allies to max my plunder after upgrading or building new buildings?

    Thanks in advance
  18. Ally plunder is a combination of total $ invested in allies and relative strength to the target. If u bought an ally then the stats of that ally contributed to your total strength, making you relatively stronger vs your targets. Either buy an ally w 0 stats or overcompensate by investing much more in allies.
  19. Your problem probably isn't you need more allies, but you need to hit someone stronger. You'll never make the 14million the profile page claims, I've forgotten why it's there.

    Also ignore Nyn's point about stats (It is true an worth noting however) I very much doubt the stats gained from 4bill in allies will change a target from good plunder to small ;)
  20.  not true. When you are on the cusp this stat to invested value ratio becomes extremely volatile. One ally with decent stats can shift things against you. I have tested this and it can be very frustrating & confusing to players who are learning how to manage builds nearing BC.