@ Willy I don't really care who posts in forums. I believe it should be open to everyone. It's just that I'm always amused when I see a pure spy with no allies deriding other players for cowardice. And you're welcome.
so doesn't using an alt named rumorcontrol to hide your identity take away all your credibility by being a coward and hiding who you are?....just curious
Murphs-FF: If we are such cowards how come you keep applying at AAH and how come you're earlier post said good luck to your friends at AAH? Btw this is my main...
What's up with the secret build that Yafi was talking about because its doesnt working. The only thing it is doing is making that person the next strip target. That build does not work. I will not post on forums about this issues because the build just dont work.
What's up with the secret build that Yafi was talking about because its doesnt work. The only thing it is doing is making that person the next strip target. That build does not work. I will not post on forums about this issues because the build just dont work.
@ Hottie Virtues such as bravery and cowardice have no relevance to credibility or intelligence. A brave person may be a fool and a liar, while a coward may be wise and truthful. Credibility is based, or should be, on how accurate the statement presented turns out to be.
Personally I've warred many clan including iG, but Yafi I think was the most hardest peronally I don't see why no one likes them most clans declare war on them for no reason. Before IGCB or You or something comes and says "because your to small the don't have time for you" :roll: . It was before I reset.
After all the posts from YAFI members stating that Cambji would be getting a refund from the Devs and that this would validate their claims that he was not a cheater, it's noteworthy that YAFI has been silent on the matter for days now and there has been no indication that a refund was given. Users browsing this forum: --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--, -ALCATRAZ-, -B00B00tehBEAR_RAWR-, -Darkblade-, 1TrueSaxon, 4S-Warrior, AuroranFlame, BillyHo78_ME, bonbonito, C0LDEST, cdea, Cold_Metal, Dino-Jr, Draco, DRAGO76, FF_Malestone7469_FF, HTE_KUNGFU_HTE, HTE_MarkD_HTE, HTE_TheDoc469_HTE, I-MvP-I, iGUST-SP, II-IITIE_SE4N-IMARIC_II-IlTlE, I_Galaxy_I, I_I_I-xYinGYanGx-I_I_I, Jester13, Jezza_of_Oz, kdey, lIIlIlII__SM0KE__IllIlIll, llIIl_GOOSE_llIIl, MyDarlin, Nightstorm, NinjaCub, Os-YaPPiE, PhoenixRising, Platinum, queenofedmanuel, QueenVasia, raoul64, Red-TS, RETRlBUTION, rickter200, RumorControl, Soul_Slinger, STEVO_IS_NOT_WILSON, StoneRoses, tick-TOCK, Tinzzak, Trixa, VvGhostPhantomvV, YA_CAMBJITHEBUTTSPANKER_FI, ZF-Ugly, ____oOo__Kukie__oOo____ and 6 guests Would you like to comment, Cambji?