Official YAFI/AAH Smack Talking Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llIlI_LR-RIPPER_IllII, May 28, 2012.

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  1. I already smack talked snack on the other forum thread. Bored with it and moved on... Nice thread anyway B.
  2. Drunk as well 
  3. You said like ten pages ago you reported me dion 
  4. I already owned this thread, you guys can leave.
  5. How do people get so much info from forums? AAH Alliance!!
  6. Hi all, been looking in forum and saw alot of facts, scraps, trash talk..and this is my first post to forum since I've started to play this game.

    Here are some facts which I hope that they could help you guys to understand more about Cambji's build and his strip and his ban:

    @ it said Cambji had been dtw for whole war, a year. Let me ask you guys a few questions:
    if he would really care for his golds he wouldn't join Yafi which we always have wars after wars
    Yafi have 60 members who always war with 200-700 ppl and Cambji is hitter, our clan #1. Ppl always aim to him more than anyone else in Yafi. So chance to get pinned by ppl are high.
    With his previous build (same as Jongar, our clan #1 now) u guys know about what this build called? And how it works? it was our Yafi's secret build but now we have no choice to show u guys who complained stupidly Cambji always dtw just to clear his name for those nobs.
    * his build works as hansels. Without gold out he will be dtw for attack/ steal. Only can ass and scout.
    * if he has gold out and full troops but his spies pinned to 0 spy. He will be dtw for atk too. Only steal/ ass/ scout workable.

    Did u guys wonder why u guy can steal but couldn't attack during the strip?
  7. BK bro they r too idiot to understand that.
  8. @ it said Cambji was always dtw by using bots. I guess only Dev should know and verify this matter to clear our hero Cambji's name. For us we only can look at his battles won/lost and quest to GUESS only.
    But during the war Yafi always try to pin his spies to 0 get him dtw for attack and open for steal. With his bfa, towers chances to get in steals are little. And the damages of steal only 0.08% compare to atk 3-4 times higher than a steal and 8-10 times higher if red-star hit him.

    Only Cambji himself could pin totally dtw for steal/ assassinate/ attack no one else can pin him if he has golds out.

    To Dev, we hope that u could look into this matter again and clear Cambji's name. His name is worth more than his 16T golds which he spent alot of his real money, efforts, time for past 2 years.

    If his acc working by itself 24/24 hrs to get Dtw, I would hope dev ban him perm he's not our hero any more. But if he got dtw by his build, by clanmates trying to pin him. He's NOT a BOTTER.

    thanks everyone to read my first thread in my law life :) happy Kaw and have a good day!!! Cheers!
  9. Really belle u said yourself that was borderline. When does ToU say you will be silenced for "BORDERLINE COMMENTS"
  10. Good post Bullykiller and if cambj didn't bot/cheat I personally hope he gets his gold back.

    Careful re forums though - they are addictive lol
  11. :) thanks SNR for your good intention. Cheers!
  12. @bully- an attack build should be able to attack him if he has zero gold out or has gold out if his attack troops are above 20%

    I don't quite understand this mechanic you are talking about. It doesn't make sense.

    Remember that a hansel can still be attacked by other hansels if he has zero gold out and above 20% troops. And anyone can attack if they have gold out.

    I'm not saying you are incorrect- however, my testing has never once gleaned any results close to this.
  13. @ Belly. That's is Yafi's secret and it works in that way. To show that alot of ppl and even mods didn't even know this build. But I hope Dev would know. So pls don't call Cambji is dtw for whole war or a year. Thanks.

    Btw we have no choice to let everyone know about this build just want to clear Cambji's name. If stupid nobs still wana argue about the build or still don't believe in this. We will have a session for u guys to try on Jongar But you guys must apology Cambji for your stupid knowledges and shut up from now on :)

    Kaw is a good game, not for u to copy and paste the build but you should learn and find out the different before acting smart in stupid and idiot ways.

    No offense, mistakes always can change! cheers!!
  14. belle, why not you give yourself a live test? since you don't understand what's building meaning. i don't mind to xtal bars  no offense!
  15. @Belle. What bully killer is saying is true. Now that our little secret is out, It is quite obvious that u, a mod, have no idea about this build. This build was discovered by Cambji and passed on to me with some tests him and I did. U not knowing bout this build could only mean one thing. Devs missed a glitch in the game and Cambji discovered it. Since mods and devs didn't know bout it, it is natural to ASSUME Cambji was botting and therefore banned. The only other logical explanation is that aah got some help, which is farfetched so we won't get into that. However the truth that it was all cos of cambji's insane level of being active supported by the build cambji had, he was dtw with 0 gold out and FULL troops , devs should reimburse cambji his trillions, apologize by giving him more trillions  and investigate better in the future before banning someone. This is ur mistake as a mod and mistake of the devs and a top player like Cambji should be saluted for his discovery not penalized by being banned. I hope u put an end to this issue ASAP by returning cambji what he worked for in the game for over two years, and being stripped of his trillions is not it. Thank you. PS: as bully killer said am willing for u to test
  16. Just wanted to ask about this.


    Now if he was DTW for a long time, how was this done?

    SS from Osiris member.

    If he was DTW for months how was his pots burnt?

    @Belle i'v read your build Mechanics thread, there is no testing done on big tower builds, you should get testing on this build since every war attack build will have lots of towers now. I'v seen lots with the build.
  17. Cambji has a "super secret" build unknown to anyone in KAW - except YAFI?!

    And this is the answer? This is why he's ALWAYS DTW?

    Oh man. I really hope you have a punch line coming....

    PLEASE don't insult the general forum public intelligence by trying to spin some ******** lie to clear your friends name.

    There is no build that will allow you to be DTW to attacks if you have full attack troops, but zero spies. None.

    Look, I have fought Cambji, and lost repeatedly. The knack of hitting DTW until he xtals is a tedious job....but he was hittable. (admittedly I would fail 99% of the time) But we were able to hit him. So your argument is invalid.

    A glitch? That the developers of this game don't know about...is your case against why they banned him?

  18. Lol Belle maybe your wrong
    Ever think of that? Probably not because your too stupid to understand new things. 
  19. @Willy. Don't talk bout something u know nothing bout. The build is real and nothing is made up. The build is real. As for ur futile past attempts to hit cambji, ur argument is invalid cos cambji did not have this build during the yafi/alpha osw. It was only recently had he discovered it. And u demeaning it only Shows how restricted ur mind is to new things. Apparently cambji wipped u so hard that it left a bruise and u can't handle the fact that he is innocent of any bot accusation. As for ur immature comment bout me insulting general forum, r u stupid? Most tricks in this game were discovered by players who spread and shared, u think there is a manual that teaches u how to play? Lol. I say it again, with full troops and 0 gold out Cambji was dtw and same goes for me. Like i said earlier, more than willing to prove this to belle, as for u I could care less.
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