AoC S3 Commemorative

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Amun-Ra, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Have you been beaten so badly you have amnesia?

  2. Oh your dark side, im shaking. Im sure it has a 1 hour timer

    Bird taught you everything you know? Explains so much, like why neither of you could handle a 1vs1
  3. 

    Yea I know.. Bad ass warrior who has to be a tiny little build to exploit mechs to win :roll:

    Your dark side is a joke

    If you don't like hit me fool.. I'm in osw right now but hey I will drop a couple hundred steals on you while I drink coffe
  4. You stole from me or attacked?
  5. My news full from butt hurt people from lr and Yafi. Lol
  6. Actually it has a timer of 59 minutes and 59 seconds but still. I could try to get something to happen..
  7. I don't think my dark side a joke. And eww u have coffee breathe. But that's usually what kinda breathe grandpa's have.
  8. Oh, Bird cant handle 1 v 1 omar? Im not sure.what planet you are from, but thats laughable. And exactly how does Bird relate to all this any way?
  9. Aww c'mon chubby!! U just mad we beat you guys the other day! Lol
  10. I'm hitting LB cats.. Who are you hitting with your little sh or tower build?
  11. Pretend you somehow missed yourself being pinned all day until I got bored to save face on forums if you want, you already got caught in your lie above. Anyways since this thread is made my Titan to commemorate our clan I will not continue to bump in responding to the angry rambling of some little kids with sore anuses and too many emotions. @ news feed :lol:
  12. Guys this is a post to celebrate our great season we had plz keep ur personal opinions in pm. On a happy note once again AOC is off to a great start for chaos wars great job well done AOC.
  13. Your whole clan is a good clan to steal from top plunderes btw
  14. Which is what Ive said a thousand times now Heels, but some ppl cant seem to get it through their.heads what this thread was all about to begin with
  15. Seems like you guys were trying to get attention to me.
  16. Well when i 1vs1 him, you and another helped him, 3vs1. So yes bird is laughable. I was just confirming you're that one rpl noob
  17. Srsly guys :lol: Why is it always the non-EE people who wanna pick fights :roll: Get off the thread and go back to your EB.
  18. Being an eb noob is being than an EE fairy. 
  19. Notorious is the person tht i have some respect for thts been ragging on AoC. If your gonna do it, at least be big enough to do it.