AoC S3 Commemorative

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Amun-Ra, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Bumping for my friend zemiah to see and a clan mate who missed thread️
  2. I'm happy to have been with such an awesome and caring clan. You guys are the reason why I'm at lvl 50. Broken you are the best wc I've ever seen, spice you are a great owner and tracker. The rest of aoc are all just as great and I'm happy to have ended this season with you guys. You guys are all great warriors and I'm hoping to continue warring with you guys. We've shared honorable victories, some defeats and some really close matches. Congrats to all the clan members who have reached 50 and respect to all the great clans we've faced. Let's continue our great work and last of all BRING THE THUNDER️
  3. Congrats Titian ️ and AoC
  4. I like this post
  5. Rofl, aoc noobs trying to inflate their egos. Maybe i should make threads about how MK had the first warrior to 50 rancor this season.
  6. I don't care.

  7. Way to go AoC. Congratulations!! Keep on rockin'
  8. Congrats AoC, fought with and against you guys many times, win or lose you are a close knit family and its always a pleasure being around you guys, much love and respect to all of you and good luck with the rest of the wars (Except Larry :p)
  9. Awww, did I leave on that bad of a note that I'm not remembered  but definitely loved my long time in the clan, made a few great friends and they were there for me when I had a lot of personal problems going on. Spice is by far the best clan owner I've ever seen and broken is one of the greatest WC even though he's still new to the game. This clan went from nobody knowing them to one of the greatest war teams in kaw and I'm glad I was in it before and during their transformation. Best of luck in the future AoC 
  10. @luigi :lol: butthurt much?
    @scotty awweee the lovvveee :lol: Visit soon fatty :p
    @MrX u werent forgotton! :D it was fin havin ya at AoC
  11. Why didn't you reply me to me? Because you all were looking for attention and that was a fact

  12. We had 51 people get lvl 50 last season ;3
  13. And he talks about looking for attention... :lol:

    The butthurt is strong in this one :lol: . "AoC noobs" he says... somehow forgetting his clan has lost to us every single time they have faced us... including just last night. Have you guys ever beaten an actual war clan?
  14. I'm not the one who created a thread dedicated to a lame ass clan who participates in EE
  15. But you are the one upset enough to come cry about it. Btw I like your build. You also have excellent eb equipment! You must be pro at ebs! One thing though... with your one 16b ally are you even at max plunder?
  16. Cry? So stating that you guys are looking for attention becomes crying? Talking about eq lol at yours. EE noob. Nice battle stats by the way.
  17. Thanks for the compliment. My battle stats are pretty low eh? Probably because I have only been playing for 3 months. Strange how I have better bfe, bfa, and more lands open then you... considering your fortress builder achievement was 566 days ago. I guess you have a life and are too busy to kaw though... that would explain why you spend it boo hooing over a thread commemorating a war clan when you don't even war.