Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Os-_____lillFaLcOnIlil_____101, Aug 1, 2015.

  2. Great thread opgood laugh
  3. I always thought you were a guy.
  4. My girlfriend wanted a cat. I didn't want a cat. We compromised and got a cat.
  5. 5 days travel i packed good for 2weeks clothes lmao, i can relate on that
  6. This is amazing :lol: please do some more.
  7. Perhaps op tired of being told he's dts?
  8. You bet! :p
  9. When did jamy gave ya permission to try and understand them? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Thank you all for you lovely replies :D I will try making more threads if time permits
  11. OMG! A woman Agrees :lol:
  12. You missed out woman want a real man but have false hair false tan false boobs false nails and on and on but still want a real man 
  13. I shall add that to my personal list :lol: :lol:
  14. False tan false hair false nails on and on but they want a real man 
  15. Its nice yall were able to compromise.
  16. You forgot one,

    Woman think the duck face is sexy, men think it's ugly. What's wrong with a smile?
  17. Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    This is obviously sexism, you're making 40 statements about a whole gender that don't apply to every women on the planet...

    Having said that, quite a few of these apply to all the girls I've ever met sooo.....
  18. Clumsy would you settle for 99% of all women :p
  19. I would say as a generalisation these are mostly true. However I wouldnt refer back to them or anything of the such considering not all ladies truly are all of these things and some probably arent even 5 of these things... Idk... Id say just be careful xD