Yeah I wasn't sure about the ko feature just it seems to work for ee so it could be a idea to implement it into normal pvp
What is better we can transfer to our alt or our alt can transfer gold to main. But of course we need to registered that your alt or main .
Make it one time only payment, as lets face it who will cf and give a few trillion over and over. So one cf per account
You would have to understand that out of that trillion the guy will only be getting 50bil Would be better just ally volleying and dropping And also I did say a person can only demand a cf once a day - week so would you really wait a week or would you just volley drop allies as normal as most of kaw does anyway
This will just cause excessive farming, new players are already suffering from this form of gaming, why make it easier for people to earn from it..
Are the devs going do as they say n boost pvp with drops or another thing they clamed thought moths or fangs was going drop from pvp think I read in one the devs post not seen that yet n where's the ebs that was going hit back? I still waiting on that
These ideas seem familiar, oh yeah that's right Obama proposed the same ideas for our foreign policy last year. PPFFFFFFTTTT!