'Knightmare' vs. Holy Vanguard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by FoK_IIIIIIII-Wanj-IIIIIIII_FoK, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Burning your pots and your gold *****! The occasionally success makes it that much more sweet!
  2. Hahhaha keep burning my pots. Got over 4000 of each compared to your 0 def pots.
  3. I hit your oafs and bank. No need for defense pots.
  4. -oOz- I'm not even going to address your fruitless comment.
  5. Reptar I hit you 4x and brought you down to 9 defense pots I wouldn't talk
  6. But liars are cool 4000 my ass 
  7. No inc buckeye comes into chat. Ever. So your hitting people who are inactive in war and thinking your hot ****? Wow
  8. I'm talking bout spy pots. And I have 4000 of all except last two cause idt they are worth buying. Too expensive.
  9. Idk who is inactive, that's your job
  10. Yeah I remember when you had 9... And then someone burned them down to 7 :cool:
  11. And I want more talk about me this is all about buck show my fails :))
  12. In saying your not addressing my post...your addressing my post.

    Your pretty bad at this.

    Respect to HV and Knightmare

    But not buckeye
  13. you're*
  14. Sirius what are you talking about hahaha just because you got 7 pots used doesn't mean that's all I had? That means that's how many I used to defend. Noob 
  15. Are you stupid?
  16. Yes I think he's stupid
  17. "You're" pretty bad at grammar :lol:
  18. No I know how the game works. Just because someone has 9 pots doesn't mean they use all 9 on an attack. They use however many they need to successfully defend against it. If the attack is a success then they would use all 9.  learn how the game works before making claims