WORM 1v1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _xllAAllx_DeMoN_xllAAllx_, Jun 24, 2013.

  1.  Worm is in your clan noob. And yes you have no loyalty in your clan. And can't fight my own battles?what am I doing right now
  2. Zaft has a point Dragon
  3. Thanks for the support. Noobs these day lol
  4. Jackson is a newb.

    His support means nothing.
  5. You shouldn't have made yourself a target. Trolls come along and ruin everything. I learned it the hard way.
  6. I don't hear YOU coming up with anything!
  7. Dragon,lapras,worm. You started all this.if you make your bed you gotta sleep in it
  8. Dragon you need to shut your word hole.
  9. Here's some duct tape 
  10. Demons, I am assuming you aren't really ZAFT. No inteligent ZAFT would purposely go against the ZAFT rules and post a thread. especially one so ****.

    So to clarify, you got hit by a smaller player. Couldn't handle it, so you ran to your clan and got the smaller player put in ca. He gets a friend to help and you call him a coward. Not only that, but you "wanted a 1v1", despite in op saying you didn't want a 1v1 at first. All I see here Is some idiot trying to gain forum support. News flash buddy, no one here gives a single **** about your clan farming a player because you can't fight your own ******* battles. Grow a pair and fight someone who is smaller than you on your own. If he was double your cs or something, I'd understand. But you are the bigger player, and you were too much of a wuss to hit back alone.
  11. All of you (worm,lapras, and dragon) your big mouth is why you will be taken out. I'm gonna call all ya a noob if they shoe fits
  13. I didn't start any of this.

    But when my friends are in trouble I go all out.

    ^so you can ST*U.
  14. Talk to the hand because my face just doesn't understand.
  15. And I don't have a word hole, I have this genius natural bodypart called a mouth/Jaw.
  16. What are you?

    A 13 year old girl?

    Nobody says "talk to the hand" on the Internet, idiot. :roll:
  17. Hmm so do I dragon. YOU FARMED MY FRIEND then talked trash. So, I disbanded your noob clan
  18. What's your problem?!?! One of YOUR members of YOUR Clan made a mistake.Big whoop. This is the problem with clans nowadays. The owners stick up for the noobs and it causes things like this.
  19. This thread isn't even about dragon it's about worms noob 1v1 lol