Zany Forum All Star Draft Game

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. Round 4: Stuck on Desert Island

    Twin: Captain Jack Sparrow
    Snoop: Wilson the volleyball
    Milk: Bambi
    Lily: Crocodile Dundee
    Comley: Captain Morgan

    Ok last round..

    Round 5: Famous Singer

    Oh peanut gallery, please hang around to vote who has the best team after this!.. this is the last category.. ty
  2. Comley

    Comley ur up
  3. Bruno Mars

    He's funky, has an angelic voice, and has a unique style.

  4. You have to wait your turn lili. tsk tsk
  5. I think Lily thought u were comley Hereo
  6. Wow piano cat and electric mouse, Elsa.. nice!


  7. That girl is a real crowd please B)

    has to be Rae
  8. Ok I have the choices from Snoopy and Twin..

    Snoopy picks the crotch grabber Michael Jackson..

    And Twin picks Tracy Chapman who he swears is a guy.. (That's the second time in this game a gender confusion has taken place)

    Okay let me show the results! And start the voting!!
  9. Behold.. here's everyone's all star teams after 5 rounds..

    Round 1: Female Superheroes

    Comley: Jessica Jones
    Lily: Batgirl
    Milk: Poison Ivy
    Snoopy: Harley Quinn
    Twin: Retro Wonder Woman

    Round 2: Sports Legends

    Twin: Bobby Moore (soccer)
    Snoop: Ali (Boxing)
    Milk: John Terry (Soccer)
    Lily: Marat Safin (Half Naked Tennis)
    Comley: Usain Bolt (Sprinter)

    Round 3: Star Wars Characters

    Comley: Jar Jar
    Lily: Jabba
    Milk: Ki Adi Mundi
    Snoop: Han Solo
    Twin: Chewie

    Round 4: Stuck on Desert Island

    Twin: Captain Jack Sparrow
    Snoop: Wilson the volleyball
    Milk: Bambi
    Lily: Crocodile Dundee
    Comley: Captain Morgan

    Round 5: Famous Singer

    Comley: Piano Cat
    Lily: Elsa
    Milk: Rae Sremmurd
    Snoopy: Michael Jackson
    Twin: Tracy Chapman

    So.. now.. who has the overall awesomest team?.. vote!
  10. I'm stuck between lili and milk, they both won my vote on two rounds so they're tied in my book.
  11. Milkyyyyyy
  12. Yes two votes.. and one of them is a tie..

    Thank you all for playing and coming up with such eclectic choices!.. I really enjoyed them..

    For this Round, Milk takes the cake 

    A round of Captain Morgan's to everyone! Cheers..
  13. He's actually a Sith Lord, genius choice
  14. Milk's team would win cause he choose a actual Jedi who would pretty much walk through the opposing teams by him self..... Wait what's that?

    In the distance, you hear it right?

    It's chanting and if sounds familiar

    It sounds like....

    *queitly* Jar jar

    *slightly louder* Jar jar

    It's getting louder every second!!

    jar Jar the Sith Lord is approaching and with his army of followers from reddit and YouTube, as well as his Sith abilities he will conquer every other team there

    So yea there ha have if Com wins cause jar jar has lighting and can do gnarly backflips and stuff

    If you don't understand why I say jar jar is a Sith Lord just go on YouTube and search it up
  15. Lest we forget Ki Adi was slayed by clones.

    Order 66's success was a laughingstock towards the Jedi.
  16. [​IMG]

    Because no thread can ever have too many animated boob gifs.