Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Forum Noobs celebrating their 100th post:

    PS: This is my 100th Post !!! Whoot WHOOP !!
  2. Oh snap!!!.. I SO wanted to use that gif above!!!.. Great job!!!
  3. So...... I now know what's wrong with kaw. It's not hte or lack of Pvp. It's homos like op that think they are special joining others homos and bullying noobs and calling each other noobs

  5. Or did I spell it wrong?
  6. I don't understand how countless gifs of breasts and woman would qualify as homo, maybe lesbo if it was chicks posting, but I'm pretty sure this thread would qualify as a hetero thread.. Thanks for coming out of the closet though Kyle... That's cool
  7. Lol. The boobies are cool
  8. I like boobies

  9. how kyle spends his evenings.
  10. It's the dorks joining dorks pretending to be cool bullying other dorks that has me baffled
  11. @wordwaster very accurate
  12. yeah. i can see how people getting together and playing games would be confusing to someone like you.
  13. Unless I have time off of work.
  14. Come at me brah. I mean homo
  15. I sense strong midorkchlorians in Kyle!!!

    His Midorkchlorian count may be stronger than Eric or Farr..

    A disturbance in the force i see!!!

    Advise from the Sith Lords like Wordwaster I must seek!

    Crush the rebellion I must!!!

  16. kyle at his day job.
  17. Suck on that homo