Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Typical old batlo being a forum noob as usual
  2. You use a full bar stealing someone in this event and finally get their blade, then wait for regen and someone takes it in 2 shakes of a lambs tail.......

    You thought I was gonna post a lamb, didn't you?
  3. [​IMG]

    Newer players receiving incoming.
  4. It would look like something that was amazing turned to ****.
  5. Waiting in FOD...
    Getting the "Go Go GO"...
    and being Thwarted by the regen:

  6. When the Devs put in the new chat update,
    And players won't listen to KaW_Community.

  7. Me watching ashes threads.

    And the reason I love volley ball so much.

  8. Forum poster acting tough, and talking a lot of Smack:

    Then you open their profile to find a statless alt:
  9. How I lose the sword


  10. When Zeth claims his work is original
  11. Hilarious. So hilarious.

  12.  classic Zeth
  13. Lolol is that a failed steal?
  14. Everyone's response to everything Zeth says

  15. I believe that talking about a locked thread is no good, no?
  16. Kali fishing his "fans"

  17. Prime failing a bb code

  18. Happens from
    Time to

    But here you are still not contributing..

    Oh look, it's a wild zeth (zuke) after it made a funny.. That name sucks, you shouldn't have wasted 20 nobs on that crap bro