Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. My imagination running wild, but this is how I see barbie in real life attacking....

  2. OMG that's like the BEST illustration of....

    ...a MP5 with a front grip in action.. I definitely would enjoy that firm front grip..

  3. Exactly why I lurvvvvve Ashes. He knows his ****.

  4. Barbie giving build advice..

  6. This made me lol for realz

  7. Alison dropping her spoon in RL

    *I know.. It's a lame allegory to her dropping her build in KaW.. But hey.. Don't get distracted

  8. More butthurts
  9. In real life ash looks like the one on the left trying to smoozze over the ladies

  10. Me in world chat when I see daphnia or calling niggas out

  11. When ATA pours weeks into a new promo, and the regulars come out of the woodwork to cry about it.

    I can't really find a more literal gif.....

  12. Personal gif....

    I love posting Copypasta or creating a garbage time thread and watching the reaction of those that take this game way too serious.

    You're Bert. I'm Ernie.
  13. Or when people with over 5000 posts be like...


  14. How one is gonna steal a sword from someone. In real life.

    How one runs away from the angry mob trying to get the sword in real life

  15. Just stop and consider for a moment, the sheer brilliance of a puppet effectively pulling off a "slow burn."
  16. Bump, because this has to be one of the most awesome threads in recent memory . . .

  17. When you hit the item stage on FFA HTE and realized you ran out of seals
  18. Trying to get at a player who pays well in the current pvp event.....they always seemed to be pinned so we must be fighting for the same goal....

  19. I feel like this when allie shopping sometimes


  20. When you just saw on BL someone nasty from an alliance in an OSW with a sword, you try to steal but failed.. And you mention it in cc..

    ...and your clanmates are like..

    "Try again"..