Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Lmfao Bootsy 
  2. I'm joining this battle
  3. No your not.
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen...

    I bring to you..

    Twin paths to glory!!!

  5. shouldn't twin paths show both sides of the game?
  6. Only needed one ;)

  7. Wrong...the more the better.
  8. Naw just need that lower calf to show.
  9. Balto.. U'd probably passout if that many twin paths have been shown to ya

  10. When you just discovered an amazing mechanics about your build..
  11. i wish more women were willing to try new things with those.
  12. SKO on a tower build in EE

  13. That's a broken arm right there
  14. With the command to Xstal in ee is not yet given but someone on the wr Flys by you....but they deny xstalling

  15. Dam boobs are a magical. They can do anything, what can't they do?

  16. How much Vixy is enjoying her OSW
  17. 
  18. This is what happens in wc after a mod silences some character for breaking rules.....


  19. When a hawt chick player is teaching you the fight mechanics in pm and you keep making mistakes just to flirt with her..
  20. Remind me to try that Ashes... 